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D.C. 上诉法院 Seeks Comments on Proposed Amendments to Rule 46


在回应国防部的提议时.C. 酒吧, the court is considering whether to amend D.C. 应用程序. R. 46 relating to admission of graduates of non-accredited law schools. D .提供的备忘录.C. 酒吧 that explains the proposed amendment is included in the notice. The court specifically invites interested parties to address the following questions, in addition to whatever other else parties wish to address:

  • 到什么程度?, 如果有任何, should considerations of reciprocity play a role in the admission of foreign-educated lawyers to the D.C. 酒吧? Cf D.C. 应用程序. R. 46 (f)(2)(D) (addressing reciprocity in context of Special Legal Consultants);
  • Should the rules permitting admission to the bar of graduates of domestic law schools not accredited by the American 酒吧 Association be different from the rules applicable to graduates of foreign non-accredited law schools?
  • Should the court require that the some or all of the requisite course of study be taken within the United States?;
  • Should the court permit any of the additional course of study to be fulfilled by distance learning, 如果是这样,到什么程度?;
  • If specific courses are to be required, what should they be?;
  • If the court were to retain the rule requiring that all courses focus on subjects tested on the Uniform 酒吧 Exam, should it amend the rule to add a distribution requirement for those courses?
  • Should a separate English-language proficiency requirement be imposed?;
  • 到什么程度? would the proposal address the specific needs of law firms, 他们的客户, and other individuals seeking legal services in the District of Columbia?;
  • What is the expected practical impact of the proposal on the number of new admittees to the D.C. 酒吧?

This notice is published to provide interested parties an opportunity to submit written comments concerning the proposal under consideration. Comments must be submitted by July 31, 2018. Comments may be submitted by email, or submitted in writing to:

职员,维.C. 上诉法院
东街430号., N.W.
华盛顿特区.C. 20001


D.C. 高等法院


高等法院 Amends Civil, Criminal Procedure 规则

On June 10 the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia issued Promulgation Order 24-02 amending 规则 of Civil Procedure 4, 6, 15, and 84 as well as Promulgation Order 24-03 amending 规则 of Criminal Procedure 16, 45, 和62年.

Sadina Montani


萨迪娜·蒙塔尼当选民主党候选人.C. 酒吧当选总统

萨迪娜·蒙塔尼,克罗威尔的合伙人 & Moring LLP, has been elected president-elect of the D.C. 2024-2025年任期. Montani will serve in that position for one year starting July 1 before becoming president in 2025. With Montani’s installation, incumbent President-Elect Shaun M. Snyder will become the 酒吧’s 53rd president.
