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  • 为意外做好准备:靠谱的滚球平台的灾难准备
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靠谱的滚球平台准备自然灾害或疾病可以在任何时候袭击任何人. 全球大流行, earthquake, flood, fire, 或者任何意想不到的疾病都会影响我们以及我们管理公司的方式. Small firm lawyers are especially vulnerable as they are more likely to be significantly affected and have difficulty managing crises alone. But encountering a disaster does not exempt lawyers from their ethical obligations to clients. 那么,这些规则在为意外情况做准备方面提供了什么指导呢? 

根据D.C. Rule 1.评语五、个人执业应当指定一名备用靠谱的滚球平台. 指定人员需要“审查客户文件”并“通知客户”,以及“确定是否需要立即采取保护行动”.“¹如果靠谱的滚球平台未能建立一个备用安排, 他们可能会受到专业责任委员会的干预. It is therefore imperative that every lawyer has a formal backup plan for their firm. 


1. 指定一名后备靠谱的滚球平台. 对于小靠谱的滚球平台事务所, the backup attorney should be another lawyer in your office who is also licensed in your jurisdiction. 这是最方便的安排,因为他们认识你, 无论是个人还是职业, 也许已经对你处理案件的方式有所了解了. 对于独立靠谱的滚球平台来说,找一个替补靠谱的滚球平台可能更具挑战性. You may have to network and consider fellow practitioners licensed in the same jurisdiction as you for this role. Keep in mind, if you ask a solo colleague to do this for you, they may ask the same of you in return. 

Establish a formal written agreement with your backup attorney and provide your staff a written plan that identifies the attorney as your backup and gives them clear procedures and instructions on what they need to do in the event you are unavailable. The D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台执业管理咨询服务 能否提供一份协议模板来帮助你完成这个过程. 

2. 要具体. Your designee should know exactly what you need them to do if you become incapacitated or unavailable. Your agreement should address the issue of confidentiality of your client files and how to handle any potential conflicts. You should also disclose the existence of this backup arrangement with your clients in their fee agreement and explain to them what duties your backup will perform. 例如, “the backup attorney may access your file limited to information necessary to: apprise you of the situation, 以你的名义提出必要的保护动议, 及/或向法院发出通知.“记住,D。.C. 靠谱的滚球平台受规则1的约束.6 and 8.4、涉及保密和诚信.² Entering into a formal written agreement establishes that the designated lawyer is standing in for you in a backup capacity, 因此他们必须遵守这些规则. 

The protocols you establish do not require that you give your backup full knowledge of client matters. 后备靠谱的滚球平台可以被限制在你认为合适的任务上, such as providing notice to clients of your incapacity using a contacts list without access to any specifics related to the clients’ matter. 在决定提供多少访问权限时,您必须使用您的判断, 尤其是涉及到潜在冲突的时候. 

A backup for a transactional law practice will require different instructions than a backup attorney for a litigation practice. 例如, if you litigate you may wish to instruct your backup to access your calendar to determine any deadlines or upcoming court appearances. 如果你的事情需要采取“保护措施”,” prepared sample template motions can make it less arduous for your backup attorney. 

你对你的客户也有经济上的义务. 如果你在执业中收取预付款, you may also need to provide the backup attorney with instructions on how to handle your IOLTA account or how to contact your accountant to ensure the proper distribution and collection of client funds. Test-driving the backup plan regularly and reviewing clients can help to avoid conflicts and expose any weaknesses in the plan. 

3. 使资讯易于获取. Storing your files electronically using services like Office 365 with OneDrive or Google G-Suite with Google Drive will enable your backup attorney to log in and access your files remotely if needed. Clio and MyCase are cloud-based case management programs that provide easy access to your files using the internet. 如果您正在使用云服务, your backup lawyer will need to know the specific software you are using and the accompanying log-in credentials. 他们可能还需要获得电子归档的密码. Determine the best way to provide these codes so that your backup only uses or accesses them when necessary. 一种方法是把你重要的密码放在一个密封的信封里,放在保险箱里, 并注明只有在紧急情况下才能打开. Consider any other barriers that may come up when your backup has to access your data and determine how to best make that information accessible. 

4. 准备好员工. 如果你的员工通常在现场工作, 他们应该接受培训,了解在灾难发生时应遵循的规程. 是否为员工制定了书面政策和程序, including specific protocols on how employees should work from another location and how they can access information. 使用云服务会有所帮助, providing you and your staff remote access to your files and programs and allowing you to continue to collaborate and work offsite, 假设所有人都能上网. 你的员工也应该知道如何联系你的保险公司, 你指定的备用靠谱的滚球平台, 还有你的私人紧急联系人. 

For more information on how to plan for disaster and create your law office backup plan, email D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台执业管理顾问 罗谢尔华盛顿 or Dan Mills,或致电202-780-2762或202-780-2764. 由环保署提供的资料及指引.C. 靠谱的滚球平台执业管理咨询服务是免费和保密的.C. 酒吧里的成员.

¹ See D.C. Rule 1.3评论5. “To prevent neglect of client matters in the event that a sole practitioner ceases to practice law, 每个个体执业者都应该准备一份计划, 符合适用的规则, 这就指定了另一位有能力的靠谱的滚球平台来审查客户档案, 通知每一位客户该靠谱的滚球平台已不再从事法律业务, 并确定是否需要立即采取保护措施. See D.C. App. R. XI, §15(a)(哥伦比亚特区上诉法院对靠谱的滚球平台的任命, 由董事会就专业责任提出动议, 靠谱的滚球平台死亡的案件, disappears, 或者因无行为能力或残疾而被停职,没有伴侣, associate or other responsible attorney is capable of conducting the attorney’s affairs).” 

² See D.C. Rules 1.6 and 8.4(c).


D.C. 高等法院



On June 10 the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia issued Promulgation Order 24-02 amending Rules of Civil Procedure 4, 6, 15, 和第84条以及修订刑事诉讼规则的第24-03号颁布令, 45, and 62.

Sadina Montani


萨迪娜·蒙塔尼当选民主党候选人.C. 酒吧当选总统

萨迪娜·蒙塔尼,克罗威尔的合伙人 & Moring LLP,已当选为D的当选人.C. 2024-2025年任期. Montani will serve in that position for one year starting July 1 before becoming president in 2025. 随着蒙塔尼的就职,现任总统肖恩·M. 斯奈德将成为靠谱的滚球平台协会第53任主席.





D.C. 高等法院副法官Marisa Demeo和Milton Lee, 两位申请法院首席法官职位的候选人, met with members of the bar and public in a virtual event on June 4 to discuss their backgrounds, 动机, 以及对领导力的看法. The two judges are seeking to fill the vacancy that will be created when Chief Judge Anita Josey-Herring steps down from the bench in September.

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