玛尼哈梅尔 Runs Her Business With a Purpose

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玛尼哈梅尔当玛妮·哈默尔谈到她一天能完成多少工作时, you might think she’s made a mathematical error. Hammel and her wife co-own two D.C.-area offices of the home cleaning franchise Two Maids & 拖把,让她从早上7点就在办公室或电脑前忙个不停.m. 到晚上11点.m. 但她也要接送她6岁的双胞胎孩子上下学, finds time to play with them, and volunteers at their school. 她每天开始或结束的大部分时间都是铁人训练, 她的第二个, 把40英里的自行车骑行或18英里的跑步挤进已经看起来不可能的一天. (郑重声明,她声称自己每晚睡6到7个小时.)

让哈默尔注意到她的工作效率,她会耸耸肩,认为这是靠谱的滚球平台的正常行为. 在私人执业中, you return every call the day you get it,哈默尔说。, 谁在保险法领域工作了16年才开始自己创业. “这是我很看重的事情,我现在也在努力做到这一点.” She answers every email every day; her response rate on the business’s Yelp page is an eye-widening 96 percent. 她的秘密? “如果我说我要做某事,我就会去做,”她说,带着禅师的简洁.

显然,要做到如此高效,需要大量的决断力和承诺. You might think it would make a person rigid. But Hammel is far from that. 事实上, 她说 that she never imagined herself running her own business; since the age of five, her dream was to become a lawyer. 你可以想象,哈默尔做出这个决定后,没有浪费任何时间. 1996年从匹兹堡大学毕业后, Hammel worked first as a litigator at a private firm, and then for an insurance company and a broker. 2011年,她生了一对双胞胎,一男一女,她呆在家里照顾他们. 2016年,当哈默尔准备重返工作岗位时,她的妻子, 一个帮助成功创业的企业家, said she wanted to buy a local franchise of Two Maids & 一个拖把.

起初,哈默尔坚持要继续从事靠谱的滚球平台工作. 但她也想支持妻子的决定,确保生意成功. 最重要的是, she liked the company’s unusual payment model, which rewards cleaners for better work. 所以,2016年,这对夫妇迈出了第一步,在马里兰州的罗克维尔买了一间办公室. Now Hammel handles clients and manages employees, while her wife takes care of accounting, 工资, and other aspects of the business.

What keeps Hammel interested, despite the fact that she didn’t train for this work, is a strong sense of purpose. 她最初想成为一名靠谱的滚球平台,因为“你可以实现改变,发挥作用。,她说。. “Now I’m just doing it in a different way.知道自己正在为孩子们创造一个未来,她感到很有成就感, 帮助家庭——其中许多是由职业女性领导的——拥有干净的家, and providing better working conditions for cleaners, who often are extremely underpaid.
2017年,该办公室开始向清洁组织捐款, 这是美国和加拿大的一个非营利组织,为接受癌症治疗的妇女提供免费的房屋清洁服务. They’ve donated more than 100 hours so far.

After working with Cleaning for a Reason for six months, this sense of purpose motivated Hammel, already an avid triathlete, to make another courageous leap. 哈默尔多年来一直想参加铁人三项比赛,但铁人三项——2分.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2-mile run — gave her pause. She had never done those distances all together. 虽然有人可能会认为她自己创业使她成为一个冒险家, 哈梅尔显示, “I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like to fail, 所以我不擅长尝试,除非我知道我能做到.”

但后来她想到利用这次活动为“清洁有原因”组织筹集资金, and that gave her just the push she needed. 2017年10月, 筹集了2美元,000, 她发现自己冲过了终点线,听到了她梦寐以求的那句话:“玛妮·哈默尔, 你是铁人.”

But the race was not without its tough moments. And neither is her busy life running a small business. 但当哈默尔开始怀疑自己时,她想起了另一个重要的目的——激励他人. While considering whether to buy the Two Maids & 拖把专营权, 哈默尔几年前在一次会议上听说,只有不到3%的女性拥有的企业收入达到100万美元. (虽然来源不同,但最近的一项研究认为这个数字是4.2%.) “That shocked me,她说。. “然后,当然,我的目标变成了,我们要超过一百万美元.“但这并不是为了向自己证明什么,而是为了激励他人. 哈默尔说:“我试图教会我遇到的所有女性,‘你可以做任何你想做的事.

But to reach those goals, 这一切都归结为在当下做出一个看似简单的决定,是跑下一英里还是回复下一封邮件, 无论如何. 哈默尔也这么说, 当焦虑进入, 最好把注意力集中在你正在做的部分,而不是前面的整个旅程. “If you’re on mile 60 of the bike, and you have to do another 52 miles, plus you have to do an entire marathon, you’ll just overwhelm yourself,她说。. “That’s the same with this job.”

此后,哈默尔和她的妻子在亚历山大开设了另一家办事处, 维吉尼亚州, 2018年,他们在“两女佣”全国会议上获得了“增长最快办公室奖”. Her wife wants to open four more offices someday. 但哈默尔说:“如果我想到这一点,我就会被水淹没。. “I have to take it just one step at a time.” What she doesn’t lose sight of is the purpose of it all. During boring moments in her training, she motivated herself with the mantra, “我要成为一名铁人. 我要成为一名铁人.”

Despite her initial reservations, 哈默尔非常喜欢她的铁人三项经历,她正在为2018年10月的另一场比赛进行训练. 再一次,她是在为“有理由的清洁”筹款. With a spark of mischief in her voice, 她说, “我觉得除非你做了不止一件事,否则你不能成为真正的铁人.”
