Deborah Kelly Combines Passion for the Law and Teaching

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By David O'Boyle
August 13, 2018

Looking over the trajectory of Deborah Kelly’s career, 有人可能会认为,凯莉取得今天的成就是经过一系列深思熟虑和有目的的决定. 然而,她成为马纳特菲尔普斯雇佣和劳动实践合伙人的道路 & Phillips, LLP was anything but calculated.

她的经历包括在餐饮业工作, working as the Baltimore Orioles’ first female usher, competing on Jeopardy, teaching in the middle school and college levels, practicing law, 并为从员工到高管的受众开展工作场所权利培训.

From the early stages of her career, 凯利知道,她对法律的热爱不足以让她从事任何题材的工作. As an associate in general litigation, 凯利回忆说,她在公司的图书馆里研究贝纳特杀菌剂造成的后果损害时睡着了.

“I remember thinking, I can’t do this. I don’t care,” Kelly says. “我必须选择一个我的心和我的头脑在一起的主题专业知识.” Although the path to reach that place was circuitous, Kelly eventually found it in labor and employment law.

Kelly grew up in Larchmont, New York, the daughter of Matt Kelly, 康奈尔大学劳资关系学院教授,著名劳动仲裁专家. 他曾担任北美足球联盟和球员协会、纽约市运输管理局和运输监督组织等组织的仲裁员, 也曾在工会全盛时期仲裁过纽约市许多公共部门的罢工. For more than 20 years, 他曾担任纽约联合爱迪生公司(或联合爱迪生)和美国公用事业工人工会的永久仲裁员.

At her father’s funeral, 在人们前来吊唁时站在接待队伍中, Kelly recalls leaders from ConEd telling her, “Matt was our impartial arbitrator, but inside, we always knew he was one of us.凯利说,美国公用事业工会的领导人也表达了同样的观点.

虽然她的职业道路与她父亲的有很多相似之处, Kelly says that was not by design. “My father was polite and perfect,” Kelly says. “一开始,我就决定我不想跟他有任何关系. 但作为一个认为我是坏蛋叛逆孩子的人,事实并非如此.”

At 16, 她的第一个叛逆行为是在她喜欢的一名救生员的建议下选择去佛蒙特大学上学,而这名救生员也在附近的学校上学. 但没过多久,凯利的职业道路就开始成形了. 作为一名本科生,她对政治和教学产生了兴趣. 在美国和英国短暂地教过中学之后, Kelly decided she wanted to become a college professor.

While studying for her doctorate at Johns Hopkins University, 凯利的论文是关于强奸受害者及其对刑事司法系统的看法. Her study was one of the first of its kind, 她在总统的犯罪受害者特别工作组和马里兰州立法机构面前作证, submitted written congressional testimony, 并担任美国靠谱的滚球平台协会刑事司法科受害者委员会的顾问.

凯利后来在布鲁金斯学会工作,并在马里兰大学和美利坚大学教授政治学. However, 她对学术界的内部政治感到厌烦, a year into her job at American University, she decided to pursue a law degree.

While a fulltime professor at American University, 凯利就读于该校的华盛顿法学院,并获得了J.D., with the intention of becoming a law professor. However, before she could join the law school’s faculty, 她的教授鼓励她在学术界之外工作,从事法律工作,以提高她的资格.

Taking their advice to heart, Kelly joined Dickstein Shapiro LLP as an associate, 计划实习两年,然后成为一名法学教授.

“At the time, 我丈夫告诉我,我将是唯一一个成为大靠谱的滚球平台事务所合伙人的人,因为(我)找不到教书的工作,” Kelly says. “And that's exactly what happened.”

However, shortly before she began working at the firm, Kelly discovered she was pregnant — with triplets. And with three babies to raise as first-year associate, 凯利和公司达成了一项兼职安排,让她在保持合伙人身份的同时,工作效率达到80%.

As a fifth-year associate, 凯利接了一个案件,代表泛美航空公司的前空乘人员——包括凯利的嫂子——在达美航空终止收购泛美航空公司的协议后,这些空乘人员失去了工作.

凯利非常喜欢这段经历,所以她要求公司允许她开展就业实践. “I just thought I can’t go back to being a general litigator. If I’m going to be away from my three kids, I need to spend my time doing something that matters to me.”

For Kelly, there is no more interesting area of law than employment, 称这种做法是“你可以实践的第二种最个人化的法律”,” behind family law. “在就业法中,情绪是如此高涨,伤害是如此之深. 人们努力工作,在工作中牺牲了很多,”凯利说.

即使作为一名雇佣靠谱的滚球平台,凯利仍在继续追求她对教学的热情. 她在美利坚大学教授就业和劳动法,并开展有关工作场所歧视的合规培训, harassment, and other topics for boards, management, and staff.

为了平衡事业上的压力,凯莉选择了下水. 她是一名狂热的长距离游泳运动员,已经完成了26次公开水域游泳, a nonprofit that raises money for cancer research.

“Swimming gives me the personality I wish I had,” Kelly says. “It’s calming and quiet.今年夏天,凯利参加了第19次长岛海峡游泳.
